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Olen 27-vuotias tenniksestä ja padelista kiinnostunut yrittäjä. Nuoruudesta lähtien olen aktiivisesti harrastanut pallolajeja aina sulkapallosta tennikseen. I’m a 27-year-old entrepreneur with a passion for tennis and padel. My journey with ball sports began in childhood.

Who Serves First in Tennis?

Who serves first in tennis?
The most common way to decide who serves first is to perform a coin toss or a racket spin before the match. There are no official rules on how the decision should be made but coin toss and racket spin have proven to be the most common ways.

Raquex — Evolve Overgrip Review (2024)

Racquex Evolve Overgrips
The Racquex Evolve overgrips come in boxes of five grips. The color options for the boxes are Black or Multicolored (Blue, Black, Yellow, Orange, and Red). In this review, I have tested the multicolored set.